The Seoul Cheonggye River

Project Location: Central Seoul, Korea

Client: City of Seoul

 This project is located within the two urban superblocks of the Central Business District in Seoul, the main source point of the Cheonggye River. The design is comprised of individual stone sculptures, symbolizing the future unification of the nine provinces of North and South Korea, and celebrating the source point of cleansed surficial and sub grade runoff from the city. The stones, from provincial quarries, frame the urban plaza while bringing public access directly to the water’s edge. The canal design accommodates seasonal flooding, its appearance changing as stones are submerged and reappear.

The Cheonggye Greenway and River Project is a part of the ambitious waterway redevelopment effort by the city of Seoul to restore this highly polluted and covered waterway with the demolition of nearly four miles of at grade and elevated highway infrastructure that divided the city. The outcome is the creation of a pedestrian focused corridor from this former vehicular access way that brings people to this historic Cheonggye Riverway.