LG Research Campus Gardens

Project Location: Daeduk, Korea

Client: LG Corporation

After designing the master plan of this science research campus, MYKD designed a series of courtyard and rooftop garden spaces to integrate the architecture with the landscape.

In the rooftop garden, planters are framed by undulating stainless steel walls, creating a reading of an artificially sliced landscape.  The undulating walls relate to the soil depth requirements of the various species of trees and grasses. A series of granite irrigation troughs spill into a central pool that is flush with the ground.

In the navigation garden, the three granite gateways frame the entry experience of the courtyard.  Each holds water troughs which begin the different conditions of water play. The water elements vary, from a reflecting pool to a series of spillways that offer aural and visual interest in this strolling garden.

In the spare entrance garden, bamboo, moss, water and granite are used to create a contemplative courtyard and sculptural pool. The granite water wall invites users to engage directly with the water before entering the contemplative area where the pool reflects the movement of the sky. An agitator in the water periodically breaks this mirror.